
Lets consider following code for HTTP task:

{% json upload_options %}
    "fileName": "user_provided_photo.png",
    "multipart": {{request.files.["user-file"] | default: "" | json }},
    "public": false
{% endjson %}

{% assign file_result = upload_options | file %}

{% json ftp_params %}
    "mode": "upload",
    "host": "",
    "user": """,
    "password": "pass123",
    "file": {{file_result.fileName | json }},
    "fileName": "ftp_file.png",
    "path": "/",
    "port": 21
{% endjson %}
{% assign ftp_result = ftp_params | ftp %}

In above code we define some upload_options. Parameters are:

  • fileName - under this name your file will be saved in the storage

  • multipart - this parameter tells that the expected file source is multipart. For files with url source it would be replaced with url and for content files with content.

  • public - optional parameter. When set to true your result object will contain an url to your file. With this url everyone can access your upload.

Our file_result will contain fileName parameter (if upload is successful). This is next used in ftp filter options to specify file in your storage and upload it to an FTP.

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